Wednesday, September 17, 2008

writing over time

Over the years many things have changed... In particular, I am no longer to write in crayon. This bothers me, being that purple crayon as a youth was always a good choice to draw and/or write a note with. Years start to go by and we must put down the crayon and pick up a marker to do the dirty work. But alas times continue to change, pencils and pens rule the academic world. Of course you are not allowed to use the "red pen" for it is the "red pen" that trumps all of the other writing utensils. Only the teacher may use this pen, this devise for demoralizing young pupils.
Yes, there have been many writing utensils in my years and none as important as the computer and its wonderful keyboard. The flow of my finger upon it is much smoother than any purple crayon nor do my fingers or hand cramp up when using it. I figure I will save my hands until after I graduate when I get that degree and finally pick up that illusive "red pen" to correct others.

style Etc. second post

Style and writing, both are key elements when reading or writing literature. I believe writing is the expression of the writer, meaning that whatever is needed by the writer to convey a message, idea or a feeling. Style however, is the way a message is received. Style is the tone, humor, sarcastic nature, or message that inside of the writing. Style is within the writing, if the person has any style at all. (now thats style)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Hey Krause, I'm a Champ in the lab (engl328)

That is how I blog... Like a mad man!